About Me

curious pidgeon

Name: Joel Wigley
Age: 38 years old
Location: Canberra, Australia

I'm not really sure what caused me to become interested in photography. I've always had a camera around somewhere for as long as I can remember, but I've never really paid much attention to the details, instead I just pointed it at something and took a photo.

It wasn't until mid 2008 when I started to pay more attention to photos, and cameras for that matter. My first SLR was a 40D and it served me very well.

I've just recently upgraded to an 80D which will hopefully last me another ~10 years!

The accompanying lenses I own are:

I created this website to run along-side, and even replace, my Flickr account. The only downside I've found with Flickr is that you must have an account to comment on a photo. On daedalus.id.au you don't need an account, anybody can view and comment on my photos which will hopefully relieve some annoyances with Flickr.

In addition to daedalus.id.au, you can view my work via the following sites:

If there are any photos on my site that you would like to purchase, which aren't available through my RedBubble account, please feel free to contact me and I can make them available.